So I started off on this trip, not knowin exactly what I'd need. Some birthed their way via Dreamland Thankfully that took some of the pressure off Slowly but surely like Humpty Dumpty A process of taking a part and putting it all back together Though I'd say it doesn't quite look right The workings seem to keep the time A Universal tic toc
A Collector's Guidebook A-Z
A-Apocalypse(A Complex) B-Boots(Thick Skin) C-Caves(Spanish ones, accessible by small watercraft) D-Distressed(Items and Souls) E- Electricity(Not that kind) F-Faces(like masks floatin about) G-Glue(Some things have to be sticky) H-Heat(An Artistic Mirage, add an R you've a heart) I-Imagination(To remove bored boredom from the dictionary, all languages) J-Joker(Remember this, relax your shoulders, have some fun) K-Knights in White Satin L-Love, Life, Lust, Loss, Lost, Light, Limp M-Move, Moody, Elevated Superbly lit movie N-Necessary Evils O-Onsite Stenographer P-Personal(Don't let them tell you otherwise) Q-Quick reflexes R-Rain S-(Saloon stories and secrets, We've all got em) T-Trucks and Titillatin time U-U V-Voice(A voice is a voice) W-Why's, and Why Not's and Women, I Wonder) X-Come on, It marks the spot, what else is it good for? Y- Y You &- ampersand after ampersand Z- Zoo, That's all So I know I've missed a lot But, We all know Sometimes Words Just Can't Do Justice