All my life I'm looking for the magic I've been looking for the magic Fantasize on a silly little tragic I've been looking for the magic In my eyes
Oh, oh, oh, I'm Looking for the magic in my eyes In my eyes Baby in my eyes
Only child is a silly little ragged She's been looking for the magic Stay awhile til' the city is a desert She's been looking for the treasure In my eyes
Because the photograph is Like an hourglass out of time And then I never laughed Because I never had no time
Oh, oh, oh, I'm Looking for the magic in my eyes In your eyes Baby in your eyes
MTG - Looking for the Magic [You're Next] Mind the Gap's remake of Dwight Twilley's Looking For the Magic, as heard at the end ...
Mind The Gap - Looking For The Magic Mind The Gap - Looking For The Magic. mstangerinetangerine ... All my life I been looking for ...
Mind The Gap- Looking For The Magic Mind The Gap- Looking For The Magic .... MTG Looking For The Magic subtitulado en ...
MTG Looking For The Magic subtitulado en español ... Vídeo a petición de usuario, igual y espero les agrade... "Si les gustaría que subtitulara o subiera ...
Dwight Twilley "Looking for the Magic" MTG - Looking for the Magic [You're Next] - Duration: 3:10. by MTG 714,045 views. 3:10 ...