MUCC - Chemical Parade Blue Day Lyrics and Music by: Miya
ムック 「ケミカルパレードブルーデイ」 歌詞と曲:ミヤ
See, on this day the sun drops I’ll take it up to the limit the spiral stairs – the endless escape route I continue down, my footsteps clanking
Falling like a speeding bullet, in the time I cool down clueless about my whereabouts
The descent of red, white, and yellow, the descent of the past going to lead them to the max
Goodbye to that day we lay and shared our warmth sinking into a night wet with longing
Feigning understanding all along, with a chemical heart a face filled with lies covered in lacquer, a life smashed to pieces how long will this last
The stirring floor and the warmth that ties us together drowning in the scattering reverberation heartbeat racing faster as my reasoning blurs soiled by longing and sink
The descent of red, white, and yellow, the descent of the past going to take it up to the max see, today’s the third time, not even knowing it’s worth if it has any
Goodbye, that night wet with repeating sinful longing broke into morning
Drowning in a chemical ocean it’s a dressed and walking lie