He drove you for miles in a Brand new cadillac Doped up on beer And the drugs for your back The whole world smiled When you started to sing Ain't it strange how much joy All that pain could bring?
But his heart sunk As the cops pulled him over He'd been driving so fast And you were so very far from sober You'd better open the trunk Was what the fat cop said The skinny fella's not drunk The skinny fella's dead.
Between God and the bottle Lies a lonely world of pain All those barbiturates and the Bible Finally drove your heart insane As if with each song you gave us You were cutting short your life Torn between God and the bottle Your women and your wife.
Each line that you wrote Bared a part of your soul They'd call it 'Country And Western' But your heart was pure Rock And Roll And God doesn't mind that the angels Ditched the harps for a pedal steel 'Cuz he like his praises in heaven Sung with a country feel
Between God and the bottle Lies a lonely world of pain All those barbiturates and the Bible Finally drove your heart insane As if with each song you gave us You were cutting short your life Torn between God and the bottle Your women and your wife.
As if with each song you gave us You were cutting short your life I just pray, somehow, in all that darkness You really saw the light.