Cliffs grin by the woods in a blaze, by boiling springs, Skyforger made the azure’s smooth surface white-hot. Svarog’s descendants rise smoke by scorching heat – The Universe’s true creator knitted his brows!
Ой, Чуры-Пращуры Да напоят меня Мёдом-сурьей сладкой Да с травами душистыми. На Заре лицо умою талою водой, Да улыбнусь навстречу Солнцу красному...
А Леса – наш Дом, В Дубовой Роще – Храм. Да в каждом Озере – Алтарь, Зеркало для бездны звёзд.
Забери меня В этот Дивный свет, Где Природа – Мать, А Боги – Праотцы...
Poisons filled the rivers as veins, Trees are cut like hair again, “Black blood” from Mother’s womb Is avidly sucked through boreholes!
Ancestors ‘re forgotten, All foreheads ‘re broken, Let’s bow lower – Your “lord” is cruel!!! Call dirt and rubbish As “money and power”!.. So, Life’s last gulp Is finally left!!!
We’ll stain our World With soot and ashes, We’ll give our children To drink boiling flows. We’ll mention Ancestors in fiery hashes And rush to the arms With red-hot claws!