what we had & what we've got? the same old shit with another face, same old story told in other words. ugly idols reborn with grace. upgraded form for old content, new snake skin on poisoned guts, inner constancy with external change, new bright cover for rotten gods.
you don't know what can you wait for? & now you don't know what can you wait for?
you're fuckin sick & tired of these politic games same system same control & order of useless revolutions which brings power to new names same system control & order you don't wanna live your life this way same system same control & order for centures no changes, no changes in next day same system control & order
but what will you do when you get your freedom? what will you do without any ban?
if you don't know what's love & confidence if you even can't respect another man. without selfcontrol you'll come to chaos! what will you do without mutual aid? what will you get with cruelty & violence? the same bullshit without a fade.
same system, control & order or violent chaos without a fade?*2
rosy dreams about free society - nonsence if most of us will be killers without cops. *4
there's no sence in bloody revolutions if one model is the pattern all the time no real change be done, we won't find a solution if we can't change our minds gotta start from yourself now! a lot of work to be done that's the only way how something new will run. gotta start from yourself now! a lot of work to be done that's the only way how something new will run.