She is such as you She's wearing the perfect dress I'll flood Her dress with her blood.
Look at me I just want to PAY For Love
What's your fucking price? Everyone must know What their lives are worth
Right now Make your worst choise I feel smell for your lust I know how Girls like you behave The crowd is full of greed If you are one of them I well become your headsmen Like savior comes To drowned like savior You shall burn in hell for Your sins I am on my way I am on my way
I might Have misjudget by first sight You still can make it right Make it right Just take a step out of the grave And your soul will be saved
You've let me down how come? You've made this choise Yourself death is what you decerve Oh, what a shame? You'll putrefy alone In blood Your endless meanness Has just become the death of you