Within this chipped away consciousness, illusion loses all its meaning What my eyes see now is the past held in color faded memories Wrapped in wings just a moment from shredding, I keep pressing on through this bounding barrier My fear disappears along with everything else, I just keep staring ahead
漆黒ノ翼ヲ纏い 運命の待ツ先へ 失ッタ想イ抱エ 終焉待ツ舞台へ
Wrapped in jet black wings Towards the place where fate is waiting Holding these lost feelings Towards the stage where my end is waiting
漆黒の翼は亡くし 貴方の呼ぶ元へ 託された想い忘れ 貴方の待つ場所へ
As these jet black wings die Towards the place where you are calling Forgetting these feelings entrusted to me Towards the place where you are waiting for me