قال وهي الوحيدة وبس بقلبي محلا they said,she's the one and only,her place is in my heart وغيرها مافي حلوين راح تاخد محلا there is no pretty ones but her,that can takes his place سكر غرام كتار ايامي محلا sugar of love ,that's made my eyes sweeter ومعها طعم الهوا حلي وطاب with her the taste of passion is sweet and delicious بدوبني بلمسة ايديا she melts me with a touch of her hand نظرة عينا بتقتلني her look of her eyes kills me بقرب بتقلي ماتعيدا i get closer and she tells me not to do it again بدي بس تغازلني i just want to flirt with her
رح تعاملني بالاعصاب [B]she'd treat me with nerves تعبو معها اعصابي she really tired up my nerves بتقلي نحنا اصحاب she tells me that's we're just friends بعرف انها كذابي i know she lies مابدا تحطها على حالا she doesn't want to show it اني بعجبها وبحلالا that she likes me and that she finds me cute الا لما تلوعني only when she hurts me
مابعرف شو تغير فيّ i don't know what changed in me وقت اللي شفتها قبالي when i saw her in front of me من نظرة عين بعينيّ with a look of her eyes to mine فهمتها كل شي في بالي she understtod,all is on my mind now
كنت مفكر حالي بحب i thought that i was in love لاكن لما حبيتها but when i loved her تغير عندي طعم الحب the taste of love in me has changed سكر حياتي لقيتها i found out that she is the sugar of my life
فرشتلا دربا بدموعي i've thrown tears to her road وخبيتا جوات ضلوعي i've hidden her between my ribs قلتلا غل