The crutch that I hold, as brittle as old bone. Gonna hail their omery stones, 'cause hell I don't, hell I don't, hell I don't feel anything.
Ooh the words you wrote are the ones I spoke. So now I feel like I'm not alone. And now the sky is falling. And now the sky is falling. And now the sky is falling. I've got marble eyes in my head. The fire's flames are red, A bullet explodes instead. 'cause hell I don't, hell I don't, hell I don't feel anything... [ From:
Ooh and the words you wrote are the ones I spoke. So now I feel like I'm not alone. And now the sky is falling. And now the sky is falling. And now the sky is falling. Ahh... And now the sky is falling (and now the sky is falling) And now the sky is falling (and now the sky is falling) And now the sky is falling (and now the sky is falling) Ahh...