Inconoclast of deciduous shroud... Reaving splendour stealthily from faded green, Rebel winds; decay it is all about Autumnal yield; a vulturous scavenger of spleen Watching the fall, perceive the rest. Inhale! Humidity cascading through-down to a flows of Letha. Meaning of what is incarnates ways to do...
Hate them! Appreciate the farce! Lonely hearts, bastard kin and lascivious mates But sheep amidst sneaks a wolverine; Scars Have their irrational grace Berhyme the storm, the imminence of tide Karmic affliction Splenetic glossary-verbs of decline, dialect of fiction...
Delendum human grandeur est Death restores the enamouring grin Ten thousand worms of inquisitiveness Iron will remendy dreams I face the omen emerged in fog - mere a sunset My fiends are shy where I tied them and locked- Destined to absence...
Vulturous griffin of spleen...
Beyond, where instincts collide, Negative passions Stike a transcendent light...
Naught! None above! Senses clear hesitations and doubts. Naught! None above! For the dwelling on desolate ground..
Dropping stones in waters deep, I always hit the midst of circle...