It's been a year since I last bashed you Listen up, motherfucker, here I come with part two
This ain't your standard Cultural anthropology class It's an observation of an artist With his hands out of his ass
477 backers, 5 grand a month They're all but dairy cows to you Who gives a fuck As long as the buck keeps coming through
Fakku? More like Fuck you, ShindoL, you're a piece of shit I bet that Emergence Emerges quite a hit
Among all the edgelords Among all the scum While you make your next creation \"Yotsuba Drowns In Cum\"
Listen, Lawrence, we all can do better Everyone knows you can do vanilla So why would you cater to the \"edge\" demographic Is it the money? Is it the exposure? Or is it something bigger? Fragile and Tough, Barrier Free, Library Talk That last one, people love girls in a sweater But no, let it be once, and then draw girls getting raped by a gorilla Or some shit, dickheads with cash like it more graphic Are you a fucked-up-in-the-head weeaboo gold digger? Well, I said what I wanted to say, peace out, NekRock