Sweet memories of a once-perfect life Thoughts free from this ugly guidance Vital system not yet poisoned by the rottening fluid Fake certainty soon to be blinding your mind
Take an outside look at your existence Analyze of the past motivations Flawless feeling, disorientation Counterfeit mental bliss Is your vision of life perfected by the liquid injected? Losing all bearings The faultless essence your tortured mind has created Has overflowed into substance
Escaping what's real Plunging your mind into this internal eclipse
Perpetually surrendering to nothingness Sadness and guilt eating you away from the inside Dragging yourself along New acquisitions leading to self-destruction
Virtual serenity Artificial
Escaping what's real Plunging your mind into this internal eclipse Synthetically Reaching the thoughtlessness state you've always desired
Lost in this cerebral helix Ecstatic sensation Chemical hysteria Synthetic elation
Pure confusion Has overwhelmed your yet weakened lucidity, lucidity Impenetrable mind Uncountable warnings Locked inside your own head Damaged vision blinded by your craving, your craving This downward spiral seems to be endless