Everyone can feel free and independent while cameras observe on him. People do they want to and think it is their choice. They do that they want, speak that they want, without suspecting someone operate them at a distance. Invisible thin threads pierce and slave our corpses. Our minds are slaved by those who are in power. Fuckin 'government wants to get into mind of everyone. Fat bastards, they fuckin' forgot their promises. Dead embrace will expect everyone. They’re making us slaved for total submission, and we blindly trust their nice ideas. Citizens of the state are just dogs which must be necessary feed in time with promises. We were born blind. We are system slaves. There's no limits for chaos now. You'll never prove anything and you'll never be heard, even if you will turn yourself inside out and throw out the interiors behind the door of the white house. Your flags will be burnt, as well as a belief in your real destination. You will be crucified on a cross of the information war. Your freedom does not depend on you anymore. Only general enlightenment will save the world and clean the souls and the minds of the people. The huge wave is taking down all on it's way. The microchip implantanted in your skin since the birth will make you a cripple of a new social order forever. This microcircuit will become your passport to the world with no freedom. This waits for you if you do not say to the system FUCK!