never cry in my harbour of storm give a sign I will eternities wait never cry in my harbour of storm and advise too - eternity waits for you roam yourself and hope
there was a time where you looked in each face looked for an embrace insane you roam yourself and hope again to find your love at home
there is a desert trail too long to go there is a treasure pale too harsh to know the rain is over disprove right words it's an entry of haze
never cry in my harbour of storm give a sign I will eternities wait never cry in my harbour of storm and advise too - eternity waits for you roam yourself and hope
there is that sound of your breath in my ear accuse me my dear by joy have you human awe for a broken law and all the depths of love
this is an emergency an overflow this is a burning field an inferno it grows the flood is closer come disturb my boat there aren't words of hate
never cry in my harbour of storm give a sign I will eternities wait never cry in my harbour of storm and advise too - eternity waits for you roam yourself and hope