Naked a dawn meeting. You have smiled. Your body the sun lighting up, heats soul to me. Gently on a grass going. Without having left and a trace. You throw the sight, look at me.
You and I - the Beginning and the end. We with you - as the sun and the moon.
Closing on all eyes. Being doomed to a damnation. Our souls in the power of ardent passion. And we will burn down. As well as thousand years ago, when the destiny to us has presented love.
You and I - as the beginning and the end. We with you - as the sun and the moon. Being dissolved in each other, we return all into place. The birth of a new life is inevitable.
Нежно по траве ступая. Не оставив и следа. Ты свой взгляд бросаешь, смотришь на меня.
Ты и я - Начало и конец. Мы с тобой - как солнце и луна.
Закрывая на всё глаза. Обрекаясь на проклятие. Наши души во власти пылкой страсти. И мы сгорим. Как и тысячи лет назад, когда судьба нам подарила любовь.
Ты и я - как начало и конец. Мы с тобой - как солнце и луна. Растворяясь друг в друге, возвращаем всё на круги своя. Рождение новой жизни неизбежно.