With light messing up my mind, Don’t you know it’s gonna make me go blind? White heat tickle me down to my toe, Lord, have mercy, goodness, no. White light messin’ up my brain, White light is gonna drive me insane White light tickles me down to my toe, White light, I said, goodness, no.
White light messing up my brain, White light is gonna drive me insane. White heat tickle me down to my toe. White light, I said, damn, goodness, no. White light, it lightens up my eye Don’t you know it filled me with surprise. White heat tickles me down to my toe White light, I tell you, goodness, no.
With light messing up my mind, Don’t you know it’s gonna make me go blind? White heat tickle me down to my toe, Lord, have mercy, goodness, no. Lord, have mercy, goodness, no.