téécxo' núhu'úúno hoo3ítoo, this story is about long ago nih'óó3oo tohuucíínoo'oniseehék. when trickster had been walking pretty long. héénoo tohuunéeniihó'o', normally he followed the streams toh'oowúniihíseehék níiyóu núhu' niiciihéhe'. he was walking down this particular stream céésey hé'ih'oowúniihísee niiciihéhe'. one time he was walking down a stream 'oh hé'ihciisísee he'íicxóóyeinííhi', he had walked a long ways, some distance 'oh hé'ihkóxo'ésnee, tohnosóúseet. and he slowly got hungry, as he was still walking 'oh hé'ihníitówoot and then he heard something [hé'ih]niitónee tohníitóuuhuní3i síísiikóú'uu he heard ducks quacking hee3e'éíseet. in the direction he was going
wohéí héétbii3íhinoo nih'íí3etiéhk. well, I'm going to eat he said to himself heetnéé'xohúnee hínee; you're going to lead me there hí'in beexhiinééseet he kind of wandered over there heeyeihneyéíseet. he's almost there ne'... né'kóxo'úseet, né'kókoh'ú3ecoot. then he walked slowly, he was thinking hiiwo' níísiinihóú'u. I've got it! this is what I'll do to them hé'né'ée'íno' héétníístoot. so then he knew what he would do yóókoxuu hé'né'kóoko'óho'. he cut off some willows héétne'ííni ce'éékutiit, ce'éékutiit. he's going to gather them into a bundle hiisce'éékutiit, noh né'- once he had them bundled together, then né'ííni 3éí'eiwoonóóto' núhu' núhu' núhu'úúno then he loaded them on his back, these yóókoxuu. willows hé'ih3éí'oi- 3éí'eiwoonóú'u. he loaded them on his back hé'né'- hé'né'ce'kóxo'ce3éí'oot. then he set off again hiiwóonhéhe' kóxo'úseet. now he's walking slowly 3oo3ébneeyéíseet níiyóu núhu' síísiikóú'uu he went over there near where the ducks héetnéeníitóuuhuní3i. were quacking
noh hé'ih'iis3ooxúunóne' heesíh'in nih'óó3oo. and they finally noticed him that so-called trickster "cénoot," nih'íí3etí'ehkóni' núhu' síísiikóú'uu. he's coming the ducks said to one another noh tohtoo'úseet núhu' héetooní3i, and he came to a halt where they were wohéí hé'ihnóttóne' nih'óó3oo. well then they asked the trickster "heeyóu, heeyóu hínee heiniinooxuut?" what is that you're carrying on your back nih'íi3éíhok. they said to him "hee henée3óú'u niibóótno this is a bunch of really good songs
nenéé' nenííwo'yóono" hee3oohók. that's what I'm carrying he said to them "niibóótno nenéí'i ." they're songs "cihniibóonéí'ee!" nih'íi3éíhok. sing for us they sa