Get back, crawl away, get away from me Thou snake be drowned in the lake of the abyss At the place where thy father hath commanded That thine slaying shall be carried out
Be far removed from the abode of Re Where in you trembled For I am Re at whom men tremble
Get back, thou rebel at the knives of his light Thy words have fallen because of Re Thy face is turned back by the Gods Thy head is cut off, thy heart is cut out Thou art put in chains
Crawl away, Rerek snake, enemy of Re Thou who escaped massacre In the east of the sky At the sound of the roaring storm
Thou shalt not become erect Apep Thou shall not copulate Apep Opposition is made against thee Ye whom Re hates when he looks upon thee
Oh Cobra, I am the flame which shines On the brows of the chaos Gods I am flame, son of flame
Get back, thou who shalt be decapitated Thy head shall be removed, thy bones shall be broken The earth God hath condemned thee
Let no evil opposition come forth from thy mouth against me For I am Seth who can raise a tumult of storm In the horizon of the sky Like on whose will is destruction
Crawl away, Rerek snake, enemy of Re Thou who escaped massacre In the east of the sky At the sound of the roaring storm