On the «grand Saint Antoine», the crow’s nest is the last haven in this fuckin’ cell. And up here, we can feel hell blowing… It storms on our heretic face.
Cannibals are huddled down there and laid siege on the deck Feeding their soul with love for dead-eyed models And ready to hit everyone who dares not to sell Their body and name to illusions they serve
«Hope» that got off their word is rotting on the river’s left shore. Anyway, what could those who crossed these muddy banks share? If that’s not just fears and regrets ?
(-The sandman is speaking to us from the crowd of cannibals :)
«You, the sheeps of God, our sweet Lord, you shall rock the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom.
All those you see around come up like :
- the ones who like all the pretty songs - And they like to sing along - and they like to drink beer bongs
But they don’t know what it means
So come join me in Eden, where are drawn lines of heaven That the common run of idiots spends a lifetime working for none
And take place amongst the sentries who look out for their sleep Cause you and I know well that a soft bed Seals the strongest of the wills better than a grave »