5. Mrs. Butterworth (Unknown #2) (Cover Aka) (Demo) [ 2004 With the Lights Out (Compilation)]
Your life is shit Shit Your life is over Bull Your life is mine Cry Your life is hell Hell
I'm gonna die Dying with you just I'm going to die To wear my libido I'm gonna try To find it with you just I'm gonna try Do what they say
Your life is shit Shit Your life is strange And insane Your life is not the size of crap Your life is now Now
I'm gonna die Dying with you just I'm going to hell Without my libido I'm gonna try To find it with you just I'm going to hell Without my libido I'm gonna die Dying with you just I'm going to hell Without my libido I'm gonna try To find it with you just I'm gonna die Do what they say
Your life is shit
"I'm gonna open myself up a flea market I'm gonna open myself up a flea market And you're gonna wish