...hate you for that why do you hate me so much? what do you have for me? what i want! say yes to me! what are we doing? where`s rest of me? i`m bruised too much part of rest of me what are we doing? where`s rest of me? what happened?
i want it...
now, try to find the way were now, girls are god in life, i`m so scared to say now in tears, i`m scared, your frightend
yeah! yeah!
hate! hate you for that! why do you hate me so much? what do you have for me? what i want! part of rest of me what are we doing? where`s rest of me? i`m bruised too much! say yes to me! what are we doing? where`s rest of me? what happened?
i want it...
now, gave this place, warm me, was there bulge? blood in my tent, here for fame floors the tent, i can`t help, is it true?
yeah! yeah!
hate! hate you for that! why do you hate me so much? what do you have for me? what i want! part of rest of me what are we doing? where`s rest of me? i`m bruised too much! say yes to me! what are we doing? where`s rest of me? what happened?
i want it...
now, there`s no point, poor girl, she`s fine as blow blue marshans, and bruised, diluted no sense the mirror is like on fire