Get ready to survive this long and groovy night You’ll have to walk your way and not to get in fight Night crawlers in the streets to make their dirty deeds Forget your chastity coz girls don’t need no drips
Ref: This night is real Go strain your nerve of still
Walk the street and turn the dodgy corner, look around and find a wicked loner Who would be your wilderness guide Go to him and ask him for a ticket on the ride to also getting wicked To be able to stand through this night. Share your dreams with some first time seen stranger; maybe she will not put you in danger And will help you make your dreams come true Get connected with all those energetic, high velocity and sexually magnetic Make this power run in out and trough
Ref: This night is real Go strain your nerve of still
Hey sexy ladies of the night, Why won’t you hop on for a ride We’re about to have some fun Any reasons not to do so – NONE
Ref: This night is real Go strain your nerve of still
(Crawlers of the night) They don’t walk straight (Crawlers of the night) They only mate (Crawlers of the night) They don’t know you (Crawlers of the night) They do abuse