Choice He made a choice to leave his settled life (To prove her that he can) He can become a man of pride But she needs him around (She wants their future Just as he wants it But he still gonna go his way) Stay
Remember the day we Ran out of town to see That deep and blue river strand
Like outter space And I found my place to start Strong and free sailor With no grounded limits
And I felt my life is worth it You cried at the bunder And begged me not to leave you
She had months of sleepless nights Did he loved her or did he not Did he find his peace at seas
Storm is cruel His ship's drown And noone managed to get out alive Abandoned sailor is crying for help Help help
She woke up feeling desolated She heard his cry She ran to the strand Empty and hollow She woke up feeling desolated SHE heard his cry She ran to the strand EmpTy and hollow and all a
One young man One little girlish dream Can be ruined One story of two dreams that fell
Sail away sail away What worth that now Run away
Oh it felt so damn right for them Where is their future now Where is their long life Where are they now Drawned under the deep blue sea