Bang on, take the hit, because you’re paid for honey You are paid off, hang on. Grab on, because it’s about the trip. But you’re paid for honey they have paid for it. Cuz you sold yourself for money now you SLAVE YOUR LIFE AWAY
Hands up, get a grip, ‘cuz its hard up keep it hard up, hang on Grab on, and don’t give them lip because it’s their time They have paid for it. Cuz you sold yourself for money now you SLAVE YOUR LIFE AWAY
Nothing personal.
Slave [x5]
Bang on, right on the lip because you’re paid off honey you are paid off, you have No time, so make it quick cuz you’re paid for honey They have paid for it, go on Their time and they want it nipped (or lipped this is a hard part) Because its hard up, keep it hard up, hang on Bang on, right on the lip but you take it honey because they paid for it Cuz you sold yourself for money Now you SLAVE YOUR LIFE AWAY