The planet is being destroyed all around us. Using money to try to address that problem is like shooting yourself in the foot. Evolve or parish, grow up or die... an entirely new level of human consciousness is needed right now or we're all dead. Mankind openly descends into a world of bloodshed without end. Dog-eat-dog until everything is killed and the last man commits suicide or he's poisoned.
When you believe you're already dead and you got nothing to live for, you fight better than you've ever fought in your life. When your back's to the wall that's the only time when humans actually choose to evolve... at the moment of death, at the moment when we face our destruction, that's when the greatest leaps in human consciousness and the leaps of human heart take place. I'm tired. I'm ready to die. I'm not afraid of death at all. That will be a big relief for me, that will be . God, I get out off this