They stood on the shore proudly calling out The names of those before them, shield and axe lay beside The fires Come the dawn the creaking timbers will fly over cold still Waters
The mist lizard and fire brand will make the crossing to The land of cloud and rain Unleashing their faceless hordes upon those ripe for Tonquering Many terrible deeds will be done that day and blood will Mix clay
Heathen gods will watch the unfolding glory with gleeful Malice Knowing the eternal seeds are planted that will spring Forth for a thousand ages This land will be our mother for we bring the eternal Power…in our blood
The gods in our hearts where we march they go with us Proud are we who march in pagan lands In a time of purity before the wretched shameful face of he That infected the world with lies
A vile priest in the guise of a prophet whose draws unto him The weak to suckle at his poison And those who follow his lies become so infected with his Self importance That they spread his cruelty in the name of a loving god
And we who stand before them shall remain true until the sun wheel darkens For we few who are strong in conviction as mighty oaks we Stand in a storm
Unshaken by their hatred for our hatred is stronger It thrives in the long forgotten black places of the earth The true cult of the earth, forceful and powerful, as all Consuming as the night A war of annihilation shall be our reward And we are not afraid to stare into the face of oblivion