mitama ni oishi inori wo ima shirabe ni ori tokihanatsu kami no honoo ga mi wo yaku tomo The prayers I offer to the souls will be woven and released right now into this melody, even if the hellfire of the gods burns away my body.
QuelI->EX[cez]->EXeC->{RW}; Release.
QuelI->{ Cls(ciol f ih) { EX[lid]->{Ciel & gal & wei & fyuf & quo & memu}; }
}->EXeC->{HW}; My world shall regain its blue skies, lands, light, water, wind and greenness.
QuelI->{ Cls(hymi f ih) { EX[lid]->{hym-eli & fil f pe} am {dia f ih}; }
}->EXeC->{HW}; My soul shall recover our one feeling, our one everything, and our one Lord.
shiroki yubi ni kakage yo waga tama no tsurugi wo Oh, with these white fingers, raise the sword of my soul!
QuelI->{ Cls(ih) { EX[pam]->{hymi f ih syec & fil}; }
}->EXeC->{HW}; I pledge so, putting all of my soul on the line.
kudari kitareya kami ga mikusa nariwatare fue no koe furitesosogeya chiyorozu no ya kami ga togameyou tomo sekai wo hai no ya ni kaetemo Come and descend now, divine soldiers, resound far and wide, voices of the flutes. Rain and downpour, myriads of arrows, even if the Gods will challenge us, even if the world is reduced to an ashen wasteland!
QuelI->{ Cls(ih) { EX[purr]->EX[cez]->{dia & ic-b f ih}; }
sasage ya kono uta wo sasage ya futatsunaki inori wo Now, offer this song! Now, offer this peerless prayer!
QuelI->{ Cls(nui){ EX[lop]->{syec f nog}<-{nx weak falar}; } } ee { Cls(dia){ XeEX[aaz]->{ciol}; }
} => { Cls(ih){ EXaD[ruri]->{nog} ee {wilite & ic-p ih-p}; } }; If the Lord has no form or shadow, the nights will be an eternal moonless abyss, and I shall be like a lost child in the darkness.
QuelI -> { EXiV[najala]->{fil nog n falar}->EXeC->{HW}; }; Even so, go away, darkness.
QuelI->{ Cls(hymi f ih){ EX[ch]->{crem fyra}<-{ EX[zes]->{ethes}; } }
}=>{ EX[resel]->{lopa gsh}
} am { Cls(rala f ih){ EX[rilfa]}; }
}=>{ EX[ch]->{swel}; }->EXeC->{DW}; Change the inner ember of my soul into a flame that will pierce the heavens, launch, launch countless embers, so above them the dearest wish of my soul will be realized, transforming even this burning wasteland into a paradise!