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NSFW - EquiusKankri “Giddy Up” | Текст песни

Kankri: *door slams open**angry* You haven’t come to see me in ages. You said that you would.
Equius: *totally not phased, tinkering with inventions* I do have other things to do than exchange hardly-pleasant pleasantries with you, Vantas. I have been lax in working on my dragonfly project. And since you obviously do not respect how important an endeavor this is…*trails off, losing interest* Who let you into my house?

Kankri: Don’t be ridiculous. The door was unlocked. *leans on the table next to him, sighing* You are wasting time on that again, hm? What could possibly be the use of such an invention?
Equius: The power for personal flight, Vantas. Seeking drones that can cover long distances. Surveillance. Simply a beautiful recreation of one of nature’s wonders. Really your…barbarism is such a turn off. I cannot fathom how anyone would ever consider you cultured when all you do is sneer at the world’s beauty.
Kankri: Oh, would you just LOOK at who is talking! Barbarism…ha! *flicks a screw off the desk* It is not beauty that I am calling into question here! More accurately, I would like to know why you feel the need to spend hours upon hours perfecting a mechanical recreation of something that, in its natural form, is just outside. ESPECIALLY when you have previously promised to burden me with your company. Yet again, you shirk me on my timeslots. I get that you are busy, Zahhak. So am I. But I make it a point to set time aside for ALL my quadrants regardless of personal engagement and keep to those constrains. I mean, honestly. We haven’t had so much as a hatedate in weeks, you bumbling buffoon. I will not stand for any form of neglect. Is that clear? Now get up from that bench, we…
*meeps as Equius drags his chin towards his face*
Equius: I needed that screw. I need. Every. Screw. How many times have I told you not to touch the contents on this table?
Kankri: *pauses for a second or two, then lets out a sassy ‘hmph’ and flicks another screw off the table*
Equius: *growls, infuriated, and drags him across the table, knocking over all sorts of things loudly*You little BRAT!
Kankri: *gasps as he’s roughly handled, growls, angry* Augh! You know, this never would have happened if you would just pay attention to me on occasion! *struggles to get free*
Equius: *easily keeps him pinned down* Oh? I am listening. I have heard you loud and clear. You want my attention.
Kankri: *grunts, still lightly struggling* I suppose you could say that. I will get my time, Zahhak, one way or another. *grinds his hips back against the other* Do not complain. You asked for this.
Equius: *belt unbuckling, growls in pleasure as Kankri grinds* So did you.
Kankri: *laughs maliciously* Are you sure this is what you want to be doing? It seems to me you’re just wasting time you could be using to finish this damn bug…! *pushes more heavy things off the table*
Equius: Questioning my attentions once again? Perhaps I shall simply spend them however I please and not take your bitching and moaning into account in the future. Then none of this would be an issue.*palms at his crotch and nips at the back of his neck*
Kankri: *moans* Oh fuck you… *gasps and shivers at all the attention, then breaks into more dark laughs, his tone low* What would you do without me, hm? For all your genius, there isn’t a thing you could build that could for you what I can. Oh, sure, you might be able to pretend. But none of your robots can ever truly FEEL *bucks up again* the things that you do to me. And is that not the best part? You need me, Zahhak. And you like it when I pester you. It gives you a chance to be truly…lood, without limit. So do not attempt to lie to me for one second…and say that you do not like this.
Equius: *sucks in a heavy breath, bites roughly at his neck and yanks down Kankri’s pants, palming his bare bulge again, growling in his ear*
Kankri: *laughing and panting* Mmm~ What are you waiting for? Hasn’t it been so long? Don’t you want to hear it?
Equius: You’d like that, wouldn’t you? *continues his rubbing, licking up his neck, his voice cold* Unfortunately, I’m still a little perturbed about the screws you sent flying across my lab.
Kankri: *exhales, shakily*That’s…quite the capacity for self-control you possess, Zahhak. More than one would think…guessing by how anxiously your anatomy is straining towards mine. *lets out a breathy moan as his bulge presses against the other’s hand tighter* I…I can’t very well retrieve your bolts bent over this table, can I?
Equius: No, but your skin is turning such a vile and yet…somehow such a comely color. It’s hard to tear my eyes from it. I’d need some kind of provocation. *sucks on his collar*
Kankri: *pants and starts struggling again* You are absolutely detestable. If it is red that you want, may I remind you that there is a veritable spring waiting for you just below that we can both enjoy, if tapped into. Literally. *groans, collapses on the table, defeated* Equius. Please.
Equius: Hmm. *pauses for a second* Alright. *sighs as he releases his own bulge from his pants*
Kankri: *begins to pant, getting impatient* Come on, come on come onnnnn!
Equius: *growls* Slut.*his bulge starts to push in and he bites down on Kankri’s shoulder*
Kankri: *groans loudly* Ah…oh fuuuuuuuck…*grunts and pants more as he’s stretched* I…oh g…oh FUCK, Equius. *whines into the table and moans for a bit longer as it inches inside even more. Starts to quietly chuckle again* There we are, then…home. Now isn’t that better?
Equius: *hoarse voice* G-God, do you ever shut up…fuck. *mumbling as he pushes forward even more*
Kankri: *lets out a series of strangled moans and pants as he’s filled* I just…I can’t…I can’t believe you’re this…big, you…god…
Equius: *hissing through his teeth* I can’t believe you’re this WARM, you freak.
Kankri: *groans loudly* How much…more do you have to go, I…ugh! *moans pitifully as the tip flicks inside him, shuddering* Oh my god. Oh my god, would you just fuck me already, you massive FUCKING moron! *yelling, angry, out of breath* Are you waiting for an invitation?!
Equius: Aaangh… *groans again as he’s fully sheathed and holds it there for a second before he begins thrusting roughly*
Kankri: *cries out loud and low at the brutal bucking, VA’s choice* Eh…Eq…Equius! *moans into his arm, stifling his volume*
Equius: Ungh…Vantas. *pants his name quietly, multiple times and falls into rhythmic thrusts* God, you’re…so good…ah…I hate you…
Kankri: *helpless writhing and moaning* You…you—fuuuuuuck…! *grunts and moans more, sobbing almost* Equius! Oh, more, please, I need it, PLEASE. *whines and screams, muffled, into the table* I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you—FUCK, there, again!
Equius: *grunting and panting, VA’s choice, goes on for a while*
Kankri: *loud moaning and expletives, VA’s choice, goes on for a while* More. *whispers low* More, Equius, you like it when I beg, don’t you? Don’t you? Tell me.
Equius: *replies urgently* I love it, I love it… *groans and looms over him, quickening the pace* Beg for me, you said that you would, damn it, beg for me, you tyrannical little freak…I hate you so much.
Kankri: Wha…what do you think I am DOING? *whines, desperate begging* Oh god, please, just…harder, please, I can take it, please.
Equius: No you can’t. Shut up. You’d die. *snaps, cruelly and starts kissing him, messily*
Kankri: *moans into the kiss and cries out for a few more second before he orgasms loudly*
Equius: *follows along shortly, sucking in breath and grunting as he does*
Kankri: *pants for several moments, coming down from the high before wrestling himself underneath Equius* …release me, beast. *tries to push him off* You have work to do, don’t you?
Equius: *growls back at him* There is not even a marginal chance of that happening. *stands and peels Kankri off the table, sits with him in his arms on the bench* You’ve possibly upset my work for the entirety of the night. Things will need to be cleaned, the bolts will need to be located. WE will need to be cleaned. *bites his ear again* MINE.
Kankri: Yours, huh. My, my…for the moment, maybe. *sighs and slumps against him, too tired to fight* It seems I have accomplished what I originally set out to do, then. I never want to hear you say that I do not hold at least SOME power over you. Not when you’re clinging to me SO preciously. Now what was that about cleaning?
Equius: Not yet, you idiot. Do you have to ruin EVERY moment with your blathering? Just shut up or I swear to god I will throw you face first into the mess you just made.
Kankri: *grumbles* But you’re sweaty…and stuck, and I’m all… *shudders* BLUE. *sighs again and gives up, stays quiet for a few seconds before yawning* …I seem to be falling asleep, Zahhak.
Equius: *spiteful growl* Oh no you don’t. *groans, yawning hims

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