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NSFW - MTT Live Late Night Charity Event | Текст песни

MTT: Welcome Beauties and Gentlebeauties to another episode of MTT Live! In order to celebrate hitting 1,000+ viewers I’ve decided to hold a late night charity event! During said event I will be connected to a machine that will make sure to deliver an electric shock with each donation you Darlings give to a good cause! The catch is…each shock will be stronger than the last, so make sure not to miss this MTT Live Late Night Special Broadcast~❤!

MTT: Well then, without further adieu let’s begin the show!

MTT: [Shock] Oh! Oh my the donations are already starting to pour in![chuckles] Our first donation comes from a charming young man named Al! Thank you for supporting me Darling and I hope you’ll continue to do so~❤

MTT: [Shock] Nh! H-hmm another donation! Ahh…this one’s from, the void? [chuckles] Well, I am always a slut for the void and you’ve sure filled a space in my heart Darling~❤

MTT: [Shock] Mnh! W-wow these sure are pouring in fast…nn…our next generous donor is somebeauty by the name of Ridley! [Gets another short shock] Mngh! T-thank you as well darling for your generosity and attention❤

MTT: [Slightly longer shock] N-nnngh! H-haa…o-our next donor is a lovely Darling by the name of June! J-just like that warm summer month! On that note make sure to look out for my new summer fashion that will begin coming out in that very month~! M-mm…

MTT: [Shock] Hha! Nngh~ Your donation will be put to g-good use Li- [Interrupting shock]MM! H-haha, yes, how could I have… missed this note? Thank you for your donation, Locke, I’ll keep that other name under lock and key~❤ [chuckles shakily]

MTT: A-alright who’s our next generous dona[Slightly long shock]TOR A-aahh! E-ehe…Mm…D-danny is it? Thank you sweetheart for being so….w-wonderful to a cute little robot like me [Sudden shock] EEEEee….A-ahh…O-oh my not even letting me finish my sentence hmm…a bit rude don’t you think~❤?

MTT: [spotlight shines down on them] Don’t think I don’t see you out there Darling, come up here~ [listener walking up to the stage] Come now, don’t be shy~ Let me get a good look at you~ Hmm…Oh my…you’re quite the shapely one aren’t you…? [Chuckles] I like that….tell me…what’s your name Darling~? Hmm…Mimi..? A cute name for a cute fan❤ [chuckles and leans in closer to them, groping their hips a bit] Maybe later I can see just how cute you can get~ [Pulls away] But! For now the show must go on! Run along Darling~

MTT: [Stronger shock] Mnh! O-ohh…Mm…t-there goes another one~ Looks like our next donator is somebeauty by the name of Chris~! Mmn…thank you so much for your generous donation Dar-[Interrupting shock] LING! A-aahn…n-nngh~❤

MTT: [Another shock] O-oh fuuuck…nn…T-thank you J-jackie…ahh…f-fucking thank you Mnh❤! Ah.. [Clears throat] I-I mean…mm…T-thank you Darling for always tuning in to my…m-my shows. I hope you’ll continue to watch me from today onwards~!

MTT: [Loooong shock] A-AAAHHHH❤!! A-ahh…Hehe…Mmm…O-our…n-next donator…g…g-goes by the…the…ahhh….the name of Cloud~ Mmn…Ah..w-wow I sure feel like I’m on…c-cloud 9 right now…❤ [weakly chuckles]

MTT: A-alright, and next is… Hm? I haven’t been shocked… Ah, Darling… There you are! Yes, you, sweetheart! Aren’t you going to press the button…? Oh, of course you’re deserving of this, and you’ll be helping so many monsters! Just think of their smiling faces when we give them the gold and mention you had a part in it! And… all you have to do is… Press the button! Go on, I know you can do it, I believe in you, sweetheaAAAAAH!! Y-yes! M-mnngh t-that’s exactly what I w-want AAH! [Takes a few seconds to calm down but is still giddy] E-eheh…i-im.so proud of you Darling…O-oh….n-now for our next dona-

MTT: [SHOCKS]TION-!! Ah-! [shudders] You… you’ve all started interrupting me… How rude of you Maxi- [Shocks] Ee-Gh! O-oh my, a double shocker! You must have… d-donated quite a bit! Thank you Maxi, for your contribution, and for bringing your lovely girlfriend Melanie along with you!

MTT: Ahh…[SHOCK + MTT giggling about it] A-AAAH YES ANOTHER ONE!! M-mmngh….O-oh Elli..mnh…you really know how to..m-make a handsome robot shiver~❤ Ahh….h-hopefully I..h-have the s-same effect on you Darling~ Mmn…I’d love to hear just how much too..~❤

MTT: [SHOCK] M-MMMMNHH❤!! A-Aaah.. K-kate is our next D-darling[Small shock]-AH! W-with a b-bIG donation…A-ahh..T-thank you I…Nnn…I-i can…barely focus..O-oh my…M-Mmmn❤

MTT: Wh-who’s next…? Right, Dirk. Dirk~? Dirk are you out there, Darling? Don’t be shy now, w-e’ve already come this far haven’t we? You have the controller in your hand, I can see it~ You’re going to make me feel spectacular, Dirk❤ With just a little push-[SHOCK]SH-SH-SH! HHhhhhahaha, nnnnyess, what a good fan you are, d-darling…❤

MTT: [SHOCK] AAAAAHHH❤❤!! O-oh F-fffuck…Ahhh…Nn…[chuckles] O-oh Darling~ I-i can see you with that..h-hunger in your eyes….Mnh…would you mind being a bit more generous tonight and…h-helping me out down here..Conner Darling~❤ [sounds of them rushing towards the stage] O-oh my how eager of yOU❤!! O-oooh~ A-aaAAHhn…O-oh you dirty bastaAHN! Mm! [chuckles] Ohh…I didn’t say you could stop now did I sweetheart? Mnh! T-that’s right…

MTT: [SHOCKING] T-thank you Darling M-mariaaAAHhh! Nn..F-for…nnh…b-being so g-generous-SSS Nnh! Ah-ahh your tongue… keeps jolti-NNgg every time they press th- the butto-NNNnnn!

MTT: A-AHH…N-nnh…ffFUCKING..AHN!! N-nnh…T-there…H-haaAH…O-oh…K-Kamden is our..I-is our…NMH!! [SHOCK] O-OH GOD IT FEELS SO GODDAMN GOOD!! S-shock me more! G-get in there d-DEEPER!

MTT: O-Oh D-Darling…AAH! N-nnh…MNH!! A-AH…A-a darling w-who wants me to call them P-princess I-is…AHN!! A-AH F-FUCK IT! M-MMNH….I-I c-can’t even..H-HAH! I-I F-feel like I-I’m G-gonna…C-cum..NGH!!

MTT: [Insert various moaning] A-AAAHN! N-NGH! H-huh? I-is that- B-blooky-?! AAAHH!! O-OH GOD I’M CUMMING!! O-OH YEEEEES❤!! O-oh mmmmy…Nn…T-that was amazing…Nn… Eheh, sorry I made a mess on your face D-darling..Mmnh…O-oh…I-I hope you all en-enjoyed the show…Mmm…T-thank you for…a-always tuning in Darlings and…I-I’ll see you on our next show…❤

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