In a section of the city seldom seen by the scene Sectioned off from the world of intellectual educated affluence People live lives and people die, beautiful lives, meaningful deaths Leaving behind a wealth of evidence initials on a sidewalk A broken baby carriage, spent shells and pink barrettes
Arranged in the dirt with chunks of cement, a collage of sights that nobody sees A barrage of sounds too loud to hear, a cycle of despondent generations surrounded by depressing scenes on desolate streets Crack whores, liquor stores, boarded up doors Where Minds Can't Grow
And children don't know there's more, shards of glass smashed to sand in the pavement Blowing in the diesel wind of a yellow bus bound for a haven of corruption and mistrust Paint chips, red rust, and a failing system teaches the youth that there's not enough money
And a failing system can't trick the youth into thinking that its working Wealthy racists keep the schools from educating youth Poverty is violence, ghettos are the proof
A kid gets jumped on the way to school, he shows up ten minutes late The principal gives him a lecture about the importance of education The kid says "My mother's in a coma, my dad is gone, my brothers got shot, and they all went to your fucking school!"
He gets up, runs down the hall, walks out the door, turns around and says "Fuck you!" "Now its payback time." He's looking for the kids who jumped him Another angry youth in the street....