Lyrics: I remember growing up And all the summers that you spent with me Always dreading as the sun was setting 'Cause it meant you had to leave
Now I wake up every morning Sun is shining and you're by my side Now we'll never have to hide This is our house This is our house There's nowhere else I'd rather be This is our house
On Friday night we'll have a party We'll invite our friends and family You can show the girls the garden And I'll show the guys my new TV
On Saturday we'll wake up early Clean the house and we'll go back to sleep Then I'll see you in my dreams This is our house This is our house There's nowhere else I'd rather be This is our house
I'll enjoy getting old 'Cause I'll be with you I hung a picture on the wall Of you and I when we were seventeen It's funny how the years go by Without you ever getting sick of me
I think the two of us had known From the beginning it was meant to be And now we never have to leave This is our house This is our house This is our house This is our house There's nowhere else I'd rather be This is our house