(i) My mistress and my greatest friend. The mortal enemy of my desire, Perfect in qualities if ever woman was; She whom, alone, fame and rumor report As being without peer, shall I never see you?
(2) Alas, I should indeed complain of you.
If it does not please you to let me see you again shortly. My love, who make me unable to love another.
(3) For without seeing you wherever I am. Everything that I see displeases and angers me, Nor shall I be satisfied until then.
(4) Endlessly my sorrowing heart weeps. Fearing lest your pity have fallen asleep. May this never be, my well-beloved lady. But if it is true, I am so unhappy
That I do not wish to love an hour longer, nor even a half.
(5) My mistress and my greatest friend. The mortal enemy of my desire, Perfect in qualities if ever woman was; She whom, alone, fame and rumor report