I was never one to let things go easy believe me, I wish I could let it all fly/ I know it’s not classy but when life pass me I stare, & I whistle as the girl walks by/ My mother taught me better, she learned it from the hood/ Don’t bother chasing gold be complacent with the wood/ But I was like what ever, I’m never one to listen, I ventured into woods other people wouldn’t dare/ Entitled like I’m rich so I always thought I could/ In the world not a care when you’re full of ambition/ Following the trails to the cities made of myths/ Legendary tales took me there to make a hit/ I got up to the door & I wasn’t on the list, opportunity with scrutiny I’m soon to be dismissed/ But I was on a mission so I was like yeah, I’m kind of a big deal/ Let me in I got a gift/
[Chorus] You’ve got to let it go/ Sometimes you’ve got these problems on your mind/ & you should always know/ That people will tell you, you’ll solve them, you’ll be fine/ But I don’t believe that, you see that’s/ A way of being lazy, if you want it got to get it/ & you fronted & you quit it/ Than you’re nothing but a victim in a system that we live it/ but forgiven if you want to try again/
I’m a man of faith but I’m not a man that waits/ I don’t plan of fate, I plan on me to make a plate/ In other words I don’t bitch, I never walk away/ When things fall apart, I build them back I don’t ditch/ Folding under pressure, carry more than I can take/ Knees buckle from the weight but never sore from the lift/ Never came to grips with the fact, that I got to sit back/ With the cards I was dealt when I play/ I want a better hand so I’m putting mine together/ Not to the sky but the plans that I make/ Strength been given, I’ll be damn if I break/ It’s brains over bronze, at me weakest when I’m clever/ In my twelfth hour when my mom starts to pray/ Fifteen til, still trying to persist/ About a minute left when belief starts to shake/ A brother’s at his best moving mountains till they shift/
& what about the times you give it your all & you still for short/ To what will you resort/ Of course we bounce back but there’s times the force of the smack tells us, we should abort/ In fact, a fair line between/ retract & react & the action of pride & the lack of a spleen/ what happens when pride & the passion of passive behavior/ Clash on the grasp of a dream on impact/ & sometimes letting go can be a savior/ At times holding on could end up being more labor/ So I’m cool when I don’t get the girl/ It’s when I’m shooting for the stars that I’ll probably hit the world/ Not bad for bad aim, if anything my shortcomings show that I have range & that’s real/ So I’ma leave it up to God & God will leave it up to Odd/ We’ll see what will happen, chill/