Tagid li eich la'atzor et hadma'ot Tagid li eifo yesh olam acher lichyot Tagid li lama ein emet, rak hazayot Az lama lenasot ulehamshich achshav livkot? L'orech hayam Ein galim, yesh olam Shenishbar lirsisim al hamezach
Tagid li eich la'atzor et had'ma'ot Tagid li eifo yesh olam acher lichyot K'she'anashim ratzim el tofet k'mo el yam Ani arutz el toch ha'esh Im yachz'ru misham
Tagid li eich im hamavet ata chai Mastir hadma'ot bechol laila - Tagid li, ad matai? Ha'esh shekoreit li Lo nimtzeit sham be'emet Vezeh shene'elam, Ha'im yachzor, oh kvar met?
Tagid li eich la'atzor et hadma'ot Tagid li eich....
Tell me how to stop the tears Tell me where there's another world to live in Tell me why there is no truth, only illusions So why should we try, and continue crying now? Along the length of the sea There are no waves; there is a world Broken into fragments on the pier
Tell me how to stop the tears Tell me where there's another world to live in When people run into an inferno as if into the sea I would run into the fire, If only they would return from there Tell me how you live with death Hiding the tears every night - Tell me, how much longer? The fire that calls me Is not really there And the one who disappeared, Will he return, or is he already dead? Tell me how to stop the tears Tell me how.....
Ishtar & Ofra Haza ~Along The Sea~ ... NEED YOUR HELP TO FUND OUR VIDEOS." אנו זקוקים לעזרתכם כדי לממן קטעי וידאו שלנו." Singers: Ishtar and Ofra Haza ...
Leorech Hayam (Along The Sea) .In Memory Of ... Leorech Hayam (Along the Sea) Ofra Haza live in the memory of Jitzchak Rabin.
Leorech Hayam - Ofra Haza Leorech Hayam (Along The Sea) at the memorial for Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin held ...
Along the Sea - LeOrech Hayam Ofra haza - Give me a sign (with lyrics) - Duration: 4:16. by Vali C 270,179 views. 4:16. Leorech ...
ofra haza-Leorech Hayam before she went to sing on stage, Ofra expressed how she was always ... ofra haza's voice ...
Ofra Haza Singing for the Prophet Mohammed ... This is a religious Yemenite Jewish Maoled in Israel for the artist and singer of Bani Hamad ...