Ha geshem heivi oti eilecha Mitoch tiyul aroch el toch hachoref Ha geshem hika be'or panecha Kmo ratza limchot dim'a acheret
Ata borei'ach Ata borei'ach Umenagen ben hatipot et nishmatcha habochiya Eincha shomei'a Eincha shomei'a Eincha rotzeh yoter likro t'filot erga....
Ha geshem . . .
Ata borei'ach Ata borei'ach Umenaseh lashuv lichyot et zichronot kawl avarcha Eincha yodei'a Eincha yodei'a Kama ke'ev hotira bi ahavatcha....
The rain brought me to you From a long walk into the winter The rain struck the light of your face As if wanting to wipe away a different tear
You run away You run away And play, between the drops, your crying soul You don't hear You don't hear You no longer want to read prayers of longing....
The rain . . .
You run away You run away And try to relive the memories of all your past You don't know You don't know How much pain your love left within me....