He will proclaim freedom for all his children And will keep you as the apple of his eye Pleasant is your name and will not be destroyed Repose and rest on the Sabbath day.
Seek my sanctuary and my home. Give me a sign of deliverance. Plant a vine in my vineyard. Look to my people, hear their laments.
Tread the wine-press in Bozrah, And in Babylon that city of might Crush my enemies in anger and fury. On the day when I cry, hear my voice.
Plant, Oh God, in the mountain waste Fir and acacia, myrtle and elm Give those who teach and those who obey Abundance peace, like the flow of a river.
Repel my enemies, Oh zealous God. Fill their hearts with fear and despair. Then we shall open our mouths, And fill our tongues with Your praise.
Know wisdom, that your soul may live, And it shall be a diadem for your brow. Keep the commandment of your Holy One Observe the Sabbath, your sacred day.