Freezing light kept this moment for ages A light that I saw before so many times This time was different From everything that I knew
Frozen me for moments, kept me 'till now How sweet is this suffering If I only had the chance I would feel this pain all along I would froze myself if I could Now I stand alone in the same place And I don't feel anything My blood is running as always And this merciless sun is still shining
Wstań i okryj mnie, Chcę poczuć znów życie me Jak przywykłaś do tego Przejdź koło mnie Niech Twój zapach wypełni moją pustkę Spoglądaj na mnie z oddali Spaceruj wokół mojej rozpaczy
Now I stand alone in the same place And I don't feel anything My blood is running as always And this merciless sun is still shining Where are you when I'm awaiting your cold smile Give me a chance to see you for a second To feel this freezing daylight of my past
To become Human
One more time
Accept my soul in this painful shining Take my mind with your burning smile Let it be our silent dance for eternity Extinguish this sun with me now
Our silence will live in this crowd Our happiness will be in their pain Our sun won't shine for them We won't freeze in winter anymore
We won't freeze in winter anymore
Rozpacz nie będzie już naszym domem Nasze łzy będą wypełniać ich życie Będą mogli żyć podczas naszego snu Nie odczujemy już więcej chłodu w zimie
We won't freeze in winter anymore my dear Our tears will flood their peace One scream will crush their world Our silent dance will break down walls They will live in our sleep
Our tears will flood their peace One scream will crush their world Our silent dance will break down walls They will live in our sleep
But you still don't hear me Your eyes won't see me I'm dying in front of you As you are quietly passing by