Oh lass, gin' ye would think it right Tae gyang wi' me this very night We'll cuddle tae the mornin' light By a' the lave unseen O And ye will be my dearie My ain dearest dearie It's ye will be my dearie Gin ye meet me at e'en O
I canna for my mammy gae She locks the door and keeps the key And in the mornin' charges me And aye aboot the men O For she says they're a' deceivers Deceivers, deceivers She says they're a' deceivers Ye canna trust ane O
Oh nivver min' yer mammy's yell Nae doot she met yer dad hersel' And should she flyte, ye can tell her She's aft times done the same O So lassie, gie's yer hand on't Yer bonnie milk-white hand on't Lassie, gie's yer hand on't And scorn tae lie yer lane O
Oh lad, my haun' I canna gi'e But aiblins I man steal the key And I'll meet ye at yon birkin tree That grows doon in the glen O But dinna lippen, laddie I canna promise, laddie Oh dinna lippen, laddie In case I canna win O
So he's gaen tae the birkin tree In hopes his ain true tae see Fa come trippin' ower the lea But just his bonnie Jean O And she's clinkit doon beside him Beside him, beside him She's clinkit doon beside him Amangst the grass sae green O
"I'm overjoyed wi' rapture noo" Quo' he, and preed his cherry moo' And Jeannie ne'er had cause tae rue That nicht upon the green O For she has got her Johnny Her ain lovin' Johnny It's she has got her Johnny And Johnny's got his Jean O