Secret passages in the crypts below, leading to a hidden place. Heretical monks of medieval times, the dark ways did embrace. Paganus De Capella in 1315, for the purpose of satanic cookery, did demank a black chapel to be built - t'was strangely dubbed 'The Kookery'
Visitors, shunned by the villagers, brought dark work from abroad. For this small village of the Sussex Weald, the church was extremely broad.
Bellringer at the Black Priory - Bats in the Belfry and full moon delight! Ring the bell, call visions fiery - heretical brethren of the night. the Black Priory...
12 were the coven at Pevensy Bay, the prior was High Priest. Did pray at the mount of the giant, and call upon deceased.
Bellringer at the Black Priory - Bats in the Belfry and full moon delight! Ring the bell, call visions fiery - heretical brethren of the night. the Black Priory...