3 days 4 nights be there be my be my, lost space entertainment for case. calculate your own dream, while them belong. i want same belong. i want semi alone.
i was at place, do this place, near this place.. ..tuberculo.. four lonely right less than more then miss tuberculosis breathe no release no release
is then more misunderstanding, by mother own daughter. this is near flesh, this is near water. this near flesh, this is near water this is near us
olimpia a a a a oh know this place and never end that a a a a a miss than more than miss than more than miss
bisexual love - you and my own mind friday for night ,green card behind. everything between funeral of my queen your queen off you double click
of your tea leaf. your life flow near my. flow near fight, flow near lie, flow near die. you will try, i will survive, will survive. kills own wife so why?
im surrealistic anonymous teratism hiding stick, hide and seek. know i flow. u can kill enough. u can feel enough, u can choose enough