These people are animals! Every bit of skin doesn't mean a thing, we're all dogs! Still, I'm wanting to feel like I'm not one of them. I'm just wanting to peel it off.
I confess I would love to see you naked. I'd release you into the wild and watch you run on all four limbs. And to I, the detailed contours of your face make it evident that there is bone behind your skin. Once undressed I would show the world your shame. The animal I always knew you were now on display for all the world! And aghast! The bone that held up your self image is not homo sapien, it's of an indecipherable origin.
Oh creator, what is this? Mother, father, what the hell is going on? Evolution and progress occur slowly over time leaving trace amounts of evidence.
I digress, the point of stripping you in public is not to embarrass, but to enlighten and educate. And though a mess, you'd sob at first and be quite frightened, eventually you'd find balance, you'd find pleasure in your primal state.
Oh innovator, what are we? Brother, sister, where the hell do I belong? "Evolution? Bull shit! I assure you we've been like this all along!" Little believer, no fits! Pastor, priest, allow us join you in a song: "I am no monkey sir!"
We wanted to be just like Him. We wanted to be men. We wanted to be infallible. We just wanted a sure thing. We wanted to be invincible. We wanted to be colossal. We wanted to rewrite history. We wanted to grow and thrive.
These people are animals! Every bit of skin doesn't mean a thing, we're all dogs! These people are animals! Every bit of skin doesn't mean a thing, we're all fucked! Still, I'm wanting to feel like I'm not one of them, wanting to feel at all...
Oh creator, what a mess! Mother, father, what the hell is going on? Evolution, unless you count the fanatics who try and burn the evidence. Little believer. Large head filled with thoughts about sex and where it fits. Give me a small town with no leash laws or petty thinkers. My girl, she wants to let her insides out.
These people are animals! Every bit of skin doesn't mean a thing, we're all dogs! If you want it then it's probably wrong. If you have it then it's probably not enough. These people are animals! Every bit of skin doesn't mean a thing, we're all fucked! If you want it then it's probably wrong. If you have it then it's probably not enough. Still, I'm wanting to feel like I'm not one of them, wanting to feel at all...