Tracklist : Puce Mary - the viewer - Ascetic House Randomer - Brutus - L.I.E.S. Yen Towers - Commerce - Posh Isolation WSR - Inneroceans - Contort X Loke Rahbek & Puce Mary - The Female Form - Posh Isolation Silver Waves - VI - Portals Edition (to be released) Loke Rahbek & Puce Mary - Closure - Posh Isolation Shapednoise - The man from another place - Type Roly Porter - Departure Stage - Tri Angle Varg - Chandelier Chastisement - Posh Isolation Gavin Russom - The telstar file - L.I.E.S. Roly Porter - High Places - Tri Angle Brood Ma - Molten Brownian motion - Tri Angle Gesloten Cirkel - Vader - Murder Capital Elevated Noise - Sediment one - Portals Editions (to be released) X Loke Rahbek & Puce Mary - Swim - Posh Isolation X Varg - Name Signs & new Hands, Old Cars - Posh Isolation Kerridge - Fla 6 - Downwards X Croatian Amor - IPhone Flashes Lead The Way To The Underground Clubs - Posh Isolation Marshall Applewhite - Advance Beyond Human - Clan Destine Roly Porter - In system - Tri Angle Roly Porter - Departure Stage - Tri Angle Nils Quak - Exit - SicSic PMM - Growth Hacking - Berceuse Heroique Puce Mary - The Course - Posh Isolation Antenes - Fire Rises - L.I.E.S. Healing Force Project – Strange Apparitions In My Recording Room - Berceuse Heroique Eric Copeland - Reheated - L.I.E.S. Elevated Noise - Sediment one - Portals Editions (to be released)