Delusions of grandeur reality of failures spit on their ashes and laugh in their crashing dreams Placate implications of greed’s misdemeanour the fall from your pyre is my life's satire
Designed by the system designated a number crawl into its shadow or break free from its bounds Engorge on the weak complication amasses as the creator defiled chains you to the ashes
When we see our humility torn to shreds by ruthless faces Take a rung to the very peak in shadowing post hostility
Burn bright from within for them to steal the light Set fire to themselves so their spark can ignite
Weary bones and broken seams Wearing out the tattered causes Point a finger in every face A harrowing mirror of futility
Your value is high a precious commodity For others to use and abuse with no sympathy
Mouths like voids swallowing all the light Where their words lead a merry dance you signify their plight