In a time of global crisis An international task force of heroes Banded together to bring peace to a war-torn world The organisation known as Overwatch ended the crisis And helped maintain peace for the generation But over many years, Overwatch's influence waned and it was eventually disbanded Now in the wake of its dismantling, conflict is rising once again Overwatch may be gone but the world still needs its heroes
Danger! It's the Widowmaker, she handles more stiffs than an undertaker D.Va, she can pilot a mech, but she can’t purchase alcohol legally yet Genji, so kawaii sexy. Onitsuka, Ku, Ju and other Japanese words Reinhardt, he’s a German knight, he’s got a massive hammer so think twice before a fight
Tracer! You know they say she's a clutz, but you've got to admit she's got a really nice bbaaaa Bastion! He's a star attraction! A metallic contraption with a birdy companion Reaper! Never misses a trick, but I heard on the grapevine he's got a really tiny little... Winston! Stay out of the way this peanut butter loving monkey will ruin your day
The World Still Needs Heroes You, Me and Overwatch
McCree! Do you feel lucky punk? He’s a gun toting six shooting badass hunk Pharah! It's a bird or a plane? No, it’s a rocket launching jump jetting Egyptian dame Mei, she looks really nice, but under the suit and smile she’s as cold as ice! Torbjörn, he’s a Viking blacksmith, we thought he was a dwarf but turns turns out was a myth
Lucio, his last album was shit, but so is this song and we're not a bunch of hypocrites Soldier: 76, he isn't that old, but he's still pretty old Zarya! The definition of a tank, I often think about her when I'm having a private... Hanzo! Oh no he’s aiming at you, Ryuu ga, waga teki wo kurau!
The World Still Needs Heroes You, Me and Overwatch The World Still Needs Heroes You, Me and Overwatch