GOBIERNO (clean version) (GOVERNMENT) Esto es lo que pienso... cerdos! This is what I think...pigs! CHORUS ****Gobierno, todo corrupto ****government, all currupt No somos brutos, no sean injustos We're not idiots, don't be unfair El pobre es mas pobre The poor are poorer El rico es m‡s rico The rich are richer Vamos cayendo de **** y de hocico We keep falling on our **** and our face Soy uno m‡s, uno m‡s de la lista I'm just one more, one more on the list De estos inmigrantes buscando nueva vida Of the immigrants searching for a new life Pues de donde vengo no hay otra salida For when I'm from there is no other way out Que venir a la Unite por la comida Than to come to the Status for food Algo tan sencillo como el pan en la mesa Something as simple as bread on the table All‡ es muy dif'cil pues abunda la pobreza There is dificult for poverty abundsNunca hay trabajo y si lo hay es mal pagado Never any work and if there is, it's not well paid Todo te lo roban Everything is stolen Todo esta ****** Everything is ****** **** gobierno que nada mejora **** Government doesn't make things better Por eso emigran tantas personas That's why so many people immigrate ***** y la **** es la moda ***** and **** are the fashion Todo se empeora Everything is worst Es pura joda It's all a joke Que es lo que pasa, ah, yeah? What is going on, ah, yeah? Pues nadie hace nada, nadie hace nada Nobody does anything, nobody does anything Por esto escribo desde tierras nevadas That's why I write from the the land of snow Buscando la plata, mi vida cambiada Searching for money, my life will change CHORUS (2x) **** Gobierno, todo corrupto **** government, all currupt No somos brutos, no sean injustos We're not idiots, don't be unfair El pobre es mas pobre The poor are poorer El rico es m‡s rico The rich are richer Vamos cayendo de **** y de hocico We keep falling on our **** and our face Y ahora me hablan de libre comercio And now they talk to me about 'free trade �Que ser‡ mejor y habr‡ trabajo That it'll make it all better, they'll be work Como les puedo creer How can I believe them Si debajo todo lo venden If they sell out Y todo es m‡s caro Everything is so expensive Marcha mi pueblo y busca respuestas March my people, look for answers Se escuchan voces se escuchan protestas We hear voices, we hear protests De nada sirve si al final llega el pago Nothing happens since when payday comes Nota rebajado el d'a del paro Protest day pay is deducted Solo est‡n los que meten la mano All who survive are those who dirty their hands Los que roban al gallo tapado Those who steal from the poor Son hijueputas ladrones They're damn theives Esos pol'ticos se-ores These politicians Los que mandan en la cochina asamblea The ones who rule in the Assembly Para que el lunes usted lea Just so Monday you can read Se robaron a las secretarias That the secretaries have been kidnapped Se robaron la plata de la malaria They've stolen the money for the malaria cure CHORUS (2x) Si eres mi hermano dame la raz—n If you're my brother tell me I'm right De donde venimos est‡ todo ***** Where we come from, everything is ***** Si eres mi hermano I'll tell you the truth If you're my brother I'll tell you the truth Estamos aqu' for money like you We're here for money like you Si eres mi hermano dame la raz—n If you're my brother tell me I'm right De donde venimos est‡ todo ****** Where we come from, everything is ****** Si eres mi hermano I'll tell you the truth If you're my brother I'll tell you the truth Estamos aqu' for money like you We're here for money like you CHORUS (2x) **** Gobierno, todo corrupto **** government, all currupt No somos brutos, no sean injustos We're not idiots, don't be unfair El pobre es mas pobre The poor are poorer El rico es m‡s rico The rich are richer Vamos cayendo de **** y de hocico We keep falling on our **** and our face Que nos hunde, que nos hunde We're drowning, we're drowning **** gobierno, todo corrupto **** government, all currupt Que nos acaba, que nos acaba That ruins us, that ruins us El pobre es mas pobre The poor are poorer El rico es m‡s rico The rich are richer Que todo roba, todo lo roba They steal all, they steal all Y aqu' estamos cabrones And here we are Luchando por nuestros ideales Fighting for our ideals Luchando por estar mejor Fighting to be better Porque nos tienen ***** Because they've ***** us ***** Gobierno ***** Government Que si no fuera por esos ***** pol'ticos ***** If it weren't for those ***** ***** polititians Estar'amos mejor, compadre We'd be better off, my brother