And I'm as empty as they come a remnant of a ship that once sailed never ever finding shore welcomed the water in and then I begged for more I feel nothing, I don't wanna feel a damn thing A ghost of who I used to be Forever haunting halls only to remind you of me
No matter how you spin this, I keep looking for myself In the dark with no lantern, the only flames I found were hell
Whoa Torturing myself Whoa Looking to find Whoa A little bit of remedy, remember when you were mine? You were mine
You know that you kill me, in every way Whoa I gave up everything. Is wrong to want you to stay?
I've got nothing left to give You took advantage of me when I just took you in and now I'm standing alone and I can finally see You're the fucking enemy!
Please I'm begging you I'm begging you to stay
The love, the lies, the sex, the pain the life you left, the hate in me