Leave it be Don't make the same mistakes as me Cause I gave up quickly To fly like a bird on the breeze And I fell down swiftly Shaking the fruit from the trees Tearing holes in the knees of my jeans So don't make the same mistakes as me
Save it please Save the sweet simplicity And you'll rise up gently To float like a bird on the breeze And you'll climb down slowly image: http://static.urx.io/units/web/urx-unit-loader.gif
Taking to feet gracefully Treading soft on the soles of your feet And you won't make the same mistakes as me
So let's rise up gently Floating like birds on the breeze And we'll take it slowly Over the town and the trees And we'll land where the sand meets the sea We'll be soft on the soles of our feet And we won't make the same mistakes as me Read more at http://www.songlyrics.com/paper-aeroplanes/same-mistakes-lyrics/#levXwsoU6brExZsk.99