Mild happenings that encourage for another To dive into something bigger Evolution springs, ideas hatch Fantasy turns into reality
Miles of pages turned can equal effect but Experience is instant Fiddle through the memories and Pick the one most inspiring
Attend to the moment and fight for the repeat Strengthen what you strengthen should Turn mortal into something immortal The case is open, control your decease to lack presence
Anything said, anything done can be a parallel Events, words, let whatever it is impel One to rocket, fountain of spirit And fill out your list of merits
Prayer can carry you one step further To let you move But don't make believe that Your own hands are no good
Fractals of insanity can only bring a life prosperity Flesh the demise and feed it with itself For the medicine it shares is fetid and foul Distribute your own nodes to step on
And leap far if you so can Lack of movement is the nocency that establishes a non-descriptive history