DORSEY And this angel met her end on the concrete floor of the sweatshop where she toiled away her childhood fastening erasers to pencil caps for ten pennies an hour. She died a noble death without a splotch or blemish upon her. (He again holds up her bloody clothes above his head). Your Honor, I’ve done my duty – I have no apologies to make. There will be but one verdict: GUILTY! GUILTY! GUILTY!
JUDGE ROAN Gentlemen of the Jury, have you reached a verdict?
FOREMAN Yes we have, Your Honor.
JUDGE ROAN How say you?
JUROR Guilty.
JUROR Guilty.
JUROR Guilty.
JUROR Guilty.
JUROR Guilty.
JUROR Guilty.
JUROR Guilty.
JUROR Guilty.
The eerie music is replaced by an exultant celebratory cakewalk. And this, for the first time, is heard by LEO and LUCILLE: THEY embrace each other, terrified, as the curtain falls.